Saturday, February 24, 2007

While I was in Israel

8 February 2007
Dear sister ________ in Jesus Christ's Name as one who seeks to do
God's Will be done, in action, that is, Matthew 12:50,
While I was in Israel in 1985 two women sisters in the Lord wrote me
and asked if I would send them a photo, so I was given to. Well, the
one sister, Mary Brady, had met me on a road in North Carolina with
her husband in 1984 before I went to Israel. The other sister,
Marilyn, was with her husband's sister who lived in Illinois whom I
had never met.
Well, when I got back from Israel to the U.S.A. during 1986, I went
to see the three Brady's who had met me in 1984. Then I was given to
go to meet Marilyn, Brady's sister in Chicago, Illinois. When I came
to her house she said she had seen me in three visions, so she knew
who I was as God's servant Elijah. Well, later on at her house two
other sisters came to meet me. Well, Marilyn had taken all my clothes
to wash and dry and I was waiting to get the dry clothes. Well, she
called to me to come out to meet these two sisters, but I did not
have anything to wear but a white garment with a red tie for around
the waist. So I came out wearing it, and Marilyn said she could have
fallen to the floor, for the last vision she had seen of me before we
met, I was wearing this white garment with a red tie around my waist
which I had sent two photos to them for God' Will to be done.
During 1987 Lord had me and a brother go to Poland on our way to
Russia for God's Will to be done. When in Warsaw, Poland, the Lord
had me to get two photos to send with letters to Mikhail Gorbachev at
the Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia. In the letter with the photo I was
given to tell him I was to meet him at the front door of the Kremlin
on April 14, 1987. So I was given to send the first letter near the
end of March, 1987 and then the brother and I went to the Russian
Embassy to seek a visa to enter Russia. Well, we got a visa to enter
Russia and we travelled to Minsk to stay three days there. Then on
April 14, 1987 we entered Moscow, Russia and went to our hotel. Then
the Lord told me to go to the Kremlin. So I did and went to the rear
gate, and there were no guards in sight, so I went through the
Kremlin to go out through the front gate where there were no guards
in sight, and went to the front of the Kremlin just as Mikhail
Gorbachev drove up in a big limousine. I stood the re holding my
bible in hand and pointing up to Heaven. Then he drove off. He had
been in Czechoslovakia for a state visit. He had arrived on the 12th
of April, but had cancelled all the meetings he was to have there on
the 13th and the 14th and raced back to the Kremlin in Russia to see
who was was coming to his front door.
For the next seven days I stayed in Moscow and went around the
Kremlin for those seven days. Oh, by the way, there were guards each
day at the front door and the rear door. I found out this Mikhail
Gorbachev had a niece in his office and she was a Christian, so I
knew she got the messages to him while he was in Czechoslovakia.
You see, the Lord had me to send photos for His purpose, not mine.
The powers that be know who I am and have tried to destroy me all
over this Earth one way or another, but our God will not let that
happen yet, for I have work for His Will to be done yet. He alone
holds life and death. So the people of Satan cannot do anything until
it's allowed by God for His purpose as written in Revelation 11:7 to
A young Greek man said to me on the street one day in Athens,
Greece, "I know what your ministry is." So I asked him, "What do you
think it is?" He said, "torment". You torment corrupt preachers with
the truth you speak as given by the Holy Spirit." Well, I have had
several of these wolves in sheep's clothing run away in fear for what
I could have revealed to their blind sheep.
Daily I am being led by Him through the Holy Spirit and a small still
Voice, not really knowing what is going to happen in the next few
moments. God's Will be done. It's obedience to His Will be done.
That's what really counts through faith.
God's Servant Prophet,

Three things?

10 February 2007
Could you imagine these three things?
Could you imagine a giant gusher of water to suddenly come up under
this Dome of the Rock to cause it to go through the hole in the wall
and to simply be washed down the Kidron Valley to end up upon the
garbage dump with all the other trash of these Islamic Philistines?
And then comes a giant quake to turn Damascus into a rubble heap to
fulfill Isaiah 17:1-3. It's the City of Destruction as written in
Isaiah 19:18.
Isaiah 19:1 speaks of the Lord riding upon a swift cloud. Could you
imagine that He speaks of the Lord-anointed servant Moses coming
riding into Egypt in a jet to become the saviour of Egypt to deliver
the Egyptians from out of the hands of these Islamic Philistines,
Isaiah 19:20? Moses will smite the Nile River as before written in
Exodus 7:17. The Egyptians will throw down their Muslim and Catholic
beads and turn to the G-d of Moses and obey His Commandments
including the keeping of His holy Sabbath Lord's Day of Rest and of
keeping His holy feast days so as to become His people as written in
Isaiah 19:25 of whom the Lord says, "Blessed be Egypt My people."
We need to be patient and have the faith to see it happen according
to His Word, to be seen, soon.
G-d's Servant Prophet,

Pastor Sid Roth

10 February 2007
Pastor Sid Roth,
Some woman who I relate to sent me one of your
newsletters, "Messianic Vision".
In 1979 I left a corrupt church full of money-worshipers and football-
god worshipers. I left a business where if you just accept a little
lie or two you could earn a lot of money. But I could not lie, so I
did not know what to do, so I asked the Lord "Tell me what to do, for
I am but a sinner, but if you could forgive me, use me for whatever
You will." In a small Voice He said by the Holy Ghost, "Come, follow
So I started to follow His leading by the Holy Spirit to Colorado
Springs where during my stay there I said, "Lord, I do love this
country of mountains with all kinds of animals and birds. I could be
happy to spend the rest of my life here." Then He spake by the Holy
Ghost, "Elijah, go to Egypt." That was in 1981.
Well, during a stay at Saint Louis, Missouri, I asked the Lord when
was I to go to Egypt. He allowed the Bible to open to Haggai 2:18. It
spake of the 24th of the ninth month. Well, this was 1982. I was then
given to go to Washington, D.C. to stay for a time appointed by the
Lord. Well, one day I was in a Jesus Open Door Mission there, and a
messianic brother walked in and asked me to sign my name, so I gave
him the name the Lord gave to me, "Elijah". He said, "You're the man
that the Lord had sent me to find." Well, through this man I was able
to get a passport, a one-way ticket to Egypt, all within a week. I
had not one paper of identification. Through a number of real
miracles I was on my way to Egypt on the date given me in Saint
Louis, Missouri, September 24, 1984. God's Will be done.
The whole Earth is full of corruption everywhere, even in America and
in Israel. The New World Order people are turning the whole Earth
into godless people whose real god are materialistic gods of many
kinds. The only thing that will save a remnant of the Gentile
believers and the Israeli people is the Almighty G-d Elohim, Matthew
24:22, His very elect, that is, those who are really His true
brethren, a small remnant everywhere to be redeemed by Him who do
their Heavenly Father's Will, the unnatural branch Gentiles, and then
we have the natural branch Israelites. So Jeremiah chapters 30 and 31
will be fulfilled as written as will Ezekiel 36:8 to 38 and 37:1 to
28. So He will save all them chosen to be in Israel at this time for
There are four places in the bible which speak of these days to
happen soon, Jeremiah 23:3 to 8, Daniel 9:24 to 26 and Revelation 7:1
to 8 and Revelation 11:1 to 12. The Lord told Abraham that his seed
will dwell between the Nile River of Egypt and the Euphrates River of
Syria, and Genesis 15:18, also Isaiah 19:17 to 25.
God's Servant Prophet,

End of the Gentile period

10 February 2007
The end of the Gentile period of salvation draws nigh to close as
written in Romans 11:25:
The Lord is about to close the door unto this rebellious people of
this time, even so-called Christians who reject the keeping of His
Law, the Ten Commandments, and of keeping of his seventh day Lord's
Day of Rest, Matthew 12:8, of which He lived as our best example to
follow in John 15:10, for if we obey Him as Lord, then we will also
do so as written in John 14:15.
Thus sayeth the Lord: "To this rebellious mass of so-called
Christians from the pulpit on down of churches per se, I have allowed
you to believe a lie: that I have allowed a change in the Day of Rest
of which I did not, as My Word states so, Hebrew 4:8, for as II
Thessalonians 2:10-11 states, to these rebellious gentile churches I
have sent a strong delusion to fulfill what is written in Matthew
13:13 to 15. So as Isaiah cried out concerning the Israelites of that
time, Romans 9:27, so do I cry out for these blinded gentiles of this
time as salvation of these gentiles comes to an end, Romans 11:25."
When you read about how Israel rejected to obey God's Commandments
and sabbath day of that time as written in Hebrews 4:4 to 11, so the
Gentile believers of this time are of them written in Hebrews 4:11and
Revelation 21:8. So now the Lord is going to save a remnant of
Israelites as written in Ezekiel 36:20 to 28. He will show His mercy
to them soon, just as He has shown His mercy to the gentiles for over
two thousand years, Romans 11:11, now His mercy is to come to a
remnant of Israel to be saved according to His Word, Romans 11:30-32.
So now we have a remnant of the Gentiles to be saved at this time,
His very elect chosen and faithful which are them that are written in
Revelation 12:14 to 17 as real saints who are not Lawbreakers,
Revelation 14:12, who have made their garment to be without spot or
blemish of sin through repentance of transgressions of the Law, I
John 3:4. The blood of Jesus can cover these sins, not by grace
God's Servant Prophet,


8 February 2007
Jesus Christ said, If you do love Me, then keep My Commandments, John
14:15, as He did as our best example to follow as written, John
15:10. He never changed the Law, the Ten Commandments He wrote in
Exodus 31:18 as written in Matthew 5:17 to 19. If we change one law
like the sabbath day He gave us to follow as written in Genesis 2:1-3
and wrote in His Law, then we are found to be Law-breakers according
to I John 3:4.
Hebrews 4:8 says He did not change His seventh day Lord's Day of
Rest, so why do most churches per se rest on sun god worship day
Emperor Constantine created as his rest day? Since then, the Catholic
Church has led all the churches to accept the lie that Lord Jesus
allowed the churches to change the sabbath day of rest, which is the
great lie that fulfilled II Thessalonians 2:10-11. Because you have
not led the people to the truth, both you and they are written in
Matthew 13:13 to 15. The blind leadeth the blind, the sheep, to the
pit on a broad path to Hell, Isaiah 5:13 to 16.
Best, Pastor, repent and come out of this Catholic tradition, Matthew
15:3 to 9, or one day hear the Lord Jesus, the Lord of the seventh
Day of Rest, Matthew 12:8, say, "I do not know you, Law-breaker,"
Matthew 7:20 to 23. You can be even doing signs and wonders and still
be on the way to Hell as a Law-breaker, so you surely cannot be a
saint for it's written in Revelation 14:12, it is they that keep the
commandments that our Lord Jesus Christ wrote before Moses and have
the faith to do so, against so many mockers of those who do not.
Time is short. I do pray while you have time yet, to do so, that is,
repent and come out of this Catholic tradition, Malachi 4:4 to 6.
God's Servant Prophet,

Dear sisters and brothers

9 February 2007
Dear sisters and brothers in our Lord Jesus Christ's Name who seek to
do our Heavenly Father's Will as stated in His Word, Matthew 12:50:
We have a dear brother Tom in West Desmoines, Iowa, U.S.A. He saw me
in a vision when he was seven years old, and he was given to go to
Israel in 1998 to meet me in the person of Elijah, God's servant.
Well, Tom's great great uncle was on the first ship to leave Europe
for the north of America which landed in the Boston area. He was a
Puritan on the Mayflower which took the small group of real followers
of our Lord Jesus Christ away from the persecution of the Catholic
Church at that time all over England and Europe. These Puritan
Christians kept the Lord's Sabbath as the real early church did
including obedience to His Command, if you do love Me as your Lord,
then keep My Commandments according to John 14:15, and to have a
right to the eternal Tree of Life as written in Revelation 22:14.
Well, after a time the Catholic Church came to America to the Boston
area to persecute this little group of Puritan Christians who
followed the teachings of their Lord Jesus Christ and who kept His
Lord's Day of Rest. Well, there was a confrontation and Tom's great
great uncle was killed and was the only Puritan to be buried at
Boston's main cemetery.
Well, this brother Tom Carlson and his wife are believing that we
will meet again in Israel, namely, Jerusalem, at which time all the
corrupters will be given to leave Israel whoever they are, political
or religious, so that only the true remnant of real Israelites will
remain who the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have appointed to be
as written in Jeremiah chapters 30 and 31, and in Ezekiel 36:20 to 28
and Ezekiel 37:12 to 28. The latter rain of the Holy Ghost will fall
upon these chosen vessels of Israelites to be saved as written in
Romans 11:26 to 36 as written of them in Acts 2:18 and Revelation 7:1
to 8 to seal His chosen remnant that is appointed to be there as
written in Ezekiel 36:24 to 28.
Every thing and every person who is not appointed to be in the
Promised Land to Israel alone must be removed out of the land so it
will then become a holy land again unto their one true God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The whole Earth is being taken over by this
apostate one world religion under the control of the great harlot,
the Vatican of Rome, as written in Revelation 17:1 to 18, joined to
this anti-Christ New World Order to be under the control of the son
of perdition or Anti-Christ person with the spiritual person of Satan
indwelling him to be their prince as written in Revelation 9:11 to be
given 42 months to have charge of this Earth as written in Revelation
13:1 to 5. Even now the anti-Christ people in America are being
readied to put America under Martial Law and to force all people to
accept their biochip implant in their right hand or forehead, or be
beheaded under the seven Noahide Laws that President George Bush has
put into place in America already, ready to b e enacted upon under
Martial Law soon. Only the very elect who are about God's Will be
done will be taken to where are all the real saints as written in
Revelation 7:11 to 17.
So be the one taken as written in Matthew 24:22 + 40-41, Mark 13:20-
22 + 27, or in Luke 17:20 to 37 to have your days shortened to be
upon this evil corrupt Earth we see getting worse each day. So do
follow our Lord Jesus in keeping His Ten Commandments He wrote before
Moses in Exodus 31:18 including the keeping of His Lord's Day of Rest
He hallowed and sanctified as written in Genesis 2:1-3 and kept as
written in Matthew 5:17 to 19 and John 15:10; and if we do love Him
as our Lord and Saviour to be, then we will also keep the Ten
Commandments including the keeping of His true Lord's Day of Rest He
was Lord of in Matthew 12:8 and Luke 6:5, and to call Him Lord as
written in Luke 6:46.
So be a real child of God as written in John 14:15 to 18 and I John
5:1-3, so that we may be found as a true bride of Christ doing as
written in Revelation 12:14 to 17, and to be a real saint as written
in Revelation 14:1-12 to be able to eat of the Eternal Tree of Life
as written in Revelation 22:14. So do Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.
God's Servant Prophet,

Liken the time of Noah

9 February 2007
To ................ and all,
Liken the time of Noah so shall it be in these days, and so it is.
Well, there were strange events to happen then, for it started to
rain, and it rained for forty days and nights. Never was there such
rain before or again shall be. There was one giant landmass or
continent, but water came down to cause the land to divide up in
several landmasses or continents. There were only 8 persons left
alive, Noah and his family, 8 persons.
Could this happen again? If God wills it to be so, this coming of
Planet X or Nibiru is doing just that. It is causing all kinds of
strange things to happen. It is heating up the whole Earth by causing
its core to heat up. All the ice upon this Earth is melting
everywhere. Earthquakes are happening all over this Earth and more
each day and stronger, and more volcanoes are errupting all over this
whole Earth and more so under the sea, and the Earth is starting to
wobble more so each day, until one day the Earth will literally turn
upside down, for it's written to be in Isaiah 24:1 +19 to 20, and the
poles shall shift to a new location wherever God Wills it to be so.
We see as the Earth wobbles, it causes weather changes all over this
Earth. In some places we see no rain to fall, and other places, too
much rain. Some places become warmer and other places much colder,
while the Earth continues to wobble and then it will turn upside down
along with the poles shifting to somewhere else on this planet. In a
moment of time the temperature could drop say from 80 degrees to
several hundred degrees below zero. It's happened before. It can
happen again, Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 and Ecclesiastes 3:15, now
God's Servant Prophet,