Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dear sisters and brothers

9 February 2007
Dear sisters and brothers in our Lord Jesus Christ's Name who seek to
do our Heavenly Father's Will as stated in His Word, Matthew 12:50:
We have a dear brother Tom in West Desmoines, Iowa, U.S.A. He saw me
in a vision when he was seven years old, and he was given to go to
Israel in 1998 to meet me in the person of Elijah, God's servant.
Well, Tom's great great uncle was on the first ship to leave Europe
for the north of America which landed in the Boston area. He was a
Puritan on the Mayflower which took the small group of real followers
of our Lord Jesus Christ away from the persecution of the Catholic
Church at that time all over England and Europe. These Puritan
Christians kept the Lord's Sabbath as the real early church did
including obedience to His Command, if you do love Me as your Lord,
then keep My Commandments according to John 14:15, and to have a
right to the eternal Tree of Life as written in Revelation 22:14.
Well, after a time the Catholic Church came to America to the Boston
area to persecute this little group of Puritan Christians who
followed the teachings of their Lord Jesus Christ and who kept His
Lord's Day of Rest. Well, there was a confrontation and Tom's great
great uncle was killed and was the only Puritan to be buried at
Boston's main cemetery.
Well, this brother Tom Carlson and his wife are believing that we
will meet again in Israel, namely, Jerusalem, at which time all the
corrupters will be given to leave Israel whoever they are, political
or religious, so that only the true remnant of real Israelites will
remain who the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have appointed to be
as written in Jeremiah chapters 30 and 31, and in Ezekiel 36:20 to 28
and Ezekiel 37:12 to 28. The latter rain of the Holy Ghost will fall
upon these chosen vessels of Israelites to be saved as written in
Romans 11:26 to 36 as written of them in Acts 2:18 and Revelation 7:1
to 8 to seal His chosen remnant that is appointed to be there as
written in Ezekiel 36:24 to 28.
Every thing and every person who is not appointed to be in the
Promised Land to Israel alone must be removed out of the land so it
will then become a holy land again unto their one true God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The whole Earth is being taken over by this
apostate one world religion under the control of the great harlot,
the Vatican of Rome, as written in Revelation 17:1 to 18, joined to
this anti-Christ New World Order to be under the control of the son
of perdition or Anti-Christ person with the spiritual person of Satan
indwelling him to be their prince as written in Revelation 9:11 to be
given 42 months to have charge of this Earth as written in Revelation
13:1 to 5. Even now the anti-Christ people in America are being
readied to put America under Martial Law and to force all people to
accept their biochip implant in their right hand or forehead, or be
beheaded under the seven Noahide Laws that President George Bush has
put into place in America already, ready to b e enacted upon under
Martial Law soon. Only the very elect who are about God's Will be
done will be taken to where are all the real saints as written in
Revelation 7:11 to 17.
So be the one taken as written in Matthew 24:22 + 40-41, Mark 13:20-
22 + 27, or in Luke 17:20 to 37 to have your days shortened to be
upon this evil corrupt Earth we see getting worse each day. So do
follow our Lord Jesus in keeping His Ten Commandments He wrote before
Moses in Exodus 31:18 including the keeping of His Lord's Day of Rest
He hallowed and sanctified as written in Genesis 2:1-3 and kept as
written in Matthew 5:17 to 19 and John 15:10; and if we do love Him
as our Lord and Saviour to be, then we will also keep the Ten
Commandments including the keeping of His true Lord's Day of Rest He
was Lord of in Matthew 12:8 and Luke 6:5, and to call Him Lord as
written in Luke 6:46.
So be a real child of God as written in John 14:15 to 18 and I John
5:1-3, so that we may be found as a true bride of Christ doing as
written in Revelation 12:14 to 17, and to be a real saint as written
in Revelation 14:1-12 to be able to eat of the Eternal Tree of Life
as written in Revelation 22:14. So do Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.
God's Servant Prophet,

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