Saturday, February 24, 2007


8 February 2007
Jesus Christ said, If you do love Me, then keep My Commandments, John
14:15, as He did as our best example to follow as written, John
15:10. He never changed the Law, the Ten Commandments He wrote in
Exodus 31:18 as written in Matthew 5:17 to 19. If we change one law
like the sabbath day He gave us to follow as written in Genesis 2:1-3
and wrote in His Law, then we are found to be Law-breakers according
to I John 3:4.
Hebrews 4:8 says He did not change His seventh day Lord's Day of
Rest, so why do most churches per se rest on sun god worship day
Emperor Constantine created as his rest day? Since then, the Catholic
Church has led all the churches to accept the lie that Lord Jesus
allowed the churches to change the sabbath day of rest, which is the
great lie that fulfilled II Thessalonians 2:10-11. Because you have
not led the people to the truth, both you and they are written in
Matthew 13:13 to 15. The blind leadeth the blind, the sheep, to the
pit on a broad path to Hell, Isaiah 5:13 to 16.
Best, Pastor, repent and come out of this Catholic tradition, Matthew
15:3 to 9, or one day hear the Lord Jesus, the Lord of the seventh
Day of Rest, Matthew 12:8, say, "I do not know you, Law-breaker,"
Matthew 7:20 to 23. You can be even doing signs and wonders and still
be on the way to Hell as a Law-breaker, so you surely cannot be a
saint for it's written in Revelation 14:12, it is they that keep the
commandments that our Lord Jesus Christ wrote before Moses and have
the faith to do so, against so many mockers of those who do not.
Time is short. I do pray while you have time yet, to do so, that is,
repent and come out of this Catholic tradition, Malachi 4:4 to 6.
God's Servant Prophet,

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