Saturday, February 24, 2007

Liken the time of Noah

9 February 2007
To ................ and all,
Liken the time of Noah so shall it be in these days, and so it is.
Well, there were strange events to happen then, for it started to
rain, and it rained for forty days and nights. Never was there such
rain before or again shall be. There was one giant landmass or
continent, but water came down to cause the land to divide up in
several landmasses or continents. There were only 8 persons left
alive, Noah and his family, 8 persons.
Could this happen again? If God wills it to be so, this coming of
Planet X or Nibiru is doing just that. It is causing all kinds of
strange things to happen. It is heating up the whole Earth by causing
its core to heat up. All the ice upon this Earth is melting
everywhere. Earthquakes are happening all over this Earth and more
each day and stronger, and more volcanoes are errupting all over this
whole Earth and more so under the sea, and the Earth is starting to
wobble more so each day, until one day the Earth will literally turn
upside down, for it's written to be in Isaiah 24:1 +19 to 20, and the
poles shall shift to a new location wherever God Wills it to be so.
We see as the Earth wobbles, it causes weather changes all over this
Earth. In some places we see no rain to fall, and other places, too
much rain. Some places become warmer and other places much colder,
while the Earth continues to wobble and then it will turn upside down
along with the poles shifting to somewhere else on this planet. In a
moment of time the temperature could drop say from 80 degrees to
several hundred degrees below zero. It's happened before. It can
happen again, Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 and Ecclesiastes 3:15, now
God's Servant Prophet,

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